We Provide All products Synchronous Service To Your Own Shopee Shop (1/3/6 months)

We Provide All products Synchronous Service To Your Own Shopee Shop (1/3/6 months)

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SG $20 / 1 month】SINGAPORE  Shopee products synchronous service
SG $50 / 3 months】SINGAPORE Shopee products synchronous service
SG $80 / 6 months】 SINGAPORE  Shopee products synchronous service


●Service Content:

1, Save your precious time, we synchronize all goods from our store directly to your own  Shopee Shop.

2, All synchronize goods still able to modify by yourself after place on your Shopee shop.

3, Total has 9 picture upload (Can be modified)

4, Classification, Material, Product specifications details (can be modified)

5, The number of goods, specifications, pricing (can be modified)

6, Every Friday will upload new products  (excluded national holidays, public holidays )

7, We will remove the products which had out of stock (Due to we have a lot of orders from the foreign and domestic country, sometimes will have an inaccuracy of total stock . We here to get your understanding regarding on this issue. )


●Process description:

1, After finish payment, please click on the ↘messenger helper at below right corner to contact our customer service. 

2, In order to login your personal Shopee account, we need your verification code to sign in your personal account and password. Hence, you need to work together with us during the sign-in process.

3, You need to have register as a seller account before we can work this synchronous service for you. Please register as seller account before on this service.

4, Please inform us regarding which logistic company you prefer to use for your own Shopee shop.

5, Once fulfil all of the above requirement, then you valid to enjoy products synchronous service for your own Shopee shop.



1, Please inform us before you get any changes to your password and account detail. If not we unable to login and provide service to our customer.

2,  We only provide product synchronous service to your own Shopee shop however we do not deal with those sales, customer service, customer complaints, collection, legal, tax and other issues.

3, We do not directly contact with your customer, please manage yourself on top of this customer question.

4, All those Image and data content flexible to modified by yourself.

5, The actual date which valid starts on this service once all the registration process and product synchronous been already finished.

6, Currently this service only applies to Singapore seller however another country still in progress to prepare for that.

7, Once customer service date expired, you can still continue to buy our service. However, we will not help to upload and remove any good from your own Shopee shop. But your current good still valid on your store, we will not make changes to that.

8, After buy on this service, if you silent mean agree all our term and condition.

9, Our products do not support or buy with any gift card, discount and any promotional event.


●Reference example:

Our Shopee Shop just as a reference example, the price adjustment is relatively high, please do not place a single order in our Shopee shop.
Model Sample: Singapore Shopee Shop ( Click on me)

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